terça-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2015

Conferences II - Nottingham/England 2015

Conference #2, 
Oncoplastic Breast Conserving Algorithms - Focus on medial and superiorally sited tumours.

Orbs Meetings was founded by Oncoplastic Surgeons, Douglas Macmillan and Stephen McCulley and was established as a forum to present advances in techniques and research in Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery.
The first international scientific conference was held in Nottingham in 2008. Orbs conferences are held annually alternating between technical and scientific programmes with the opportunity to visit oncoplastic and reconstructive focused exhibitors. In addition, we have extended our programme to include one day workshops as well as the Nordic orbs meetings (RRS Iceland 2016) which is taking place in Rekyavik, May 2016.
Prof. Dr. Alexandre Mendonça Munhoz, conference I, ORBS-2015. Breast Reconstruction in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer. Reconstrução Mamária, Reconstrução da Mama, Cirurgia Oncoplástica, Hospital Sírio-Libanês.
OrbsWeb is the meeting’s web companion, an extensive online library of presentations for clinicians working in the field of oncoplastic and reconstructive breast surgery. Registration for Orbsweb is free for those attending one of our meetings or workshops. Full access will be given to videos, presentations, abstracts and publications. Visit and register on  www.orbsweb.com to view all presentations from this and previous years meetings.
Prof. Dr. Alexandre Mendonça Munhoz, conference I, ORBS-2015. Breast Reconstruction in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer. Reconstrução Mamária, Reconstrução da Mama, Cirurgia Oncoplástica, Hospital Sírio-Libanês.

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